Omega Seamaster 1948 Limited Edition Replica Watch

Omega is a relatively popular brand in watches, and there are many watch styles. Today I will introduce this Omega Seamaster replica 1948. The Omega Seamaster series first appeared in 1948. This year happened to be the 1948 London Olympics. When the Olympic Games were held again in London in 2012, a few decades later, Omega launched this special edition of the Seamaster series. This is what we commonly call the Omega 1948 limited edition.

This Omega watch is the first watch to use Liquidmetal as the outer ring material, which is what we call liquid metal. After the limited edition of 1948, there will be no watch with liquid metal outer ring material in the next few years. Born, this special edition of 1948 has also been snapped up since its release, and it has been in short supply, making many cousins ​​regrettable.

Until the recent appearance of, Omega officially began to mass-produce watches with liquid metal outer rings, and the liquid metal appeared again before the public. At this time, a large number of manufacturers began to imitate and replicate this Omega replica watch, which is the originator of the liquid metal outer ring, and this Omega replica watch 1948 on our best replica websites is currently updated to the latest version. It is rare that this Omega replica watch 1948 is waterproof to 100 meters and can swim. Degree.
In addition to the special aspects of this Omega replica watch, in addition to the above, he is also the last dense bottom model in the original Planet Ocean 600M series. The most beautiful Cal. The 8500 movements in the history of Omega came onto the stage. At the same time, 1948 was the last Omega watch to use soft iron anti-magnetic technology. After that, the anti-magnetic technology mainly focused on the processing of the balance spring and the movement’s cleat. Such a special Omega 1948, no wonder the replica is also selling very hot.